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automatic dispatch system中文是什么意思

用"automatic dispatch system"造句"automatic dispatch system"怎么读"automatic dispatch system" in a sentence


  • 自动调度系统
  • 自动发送系统


  • Teletypewriter automatic dispatch system
  • Application of on - 2000 automatic dispatching system in yjp power network
  • This paper studied the application of data warehouse and data mining techniques in power grid dispatching automatic system in accordance to the developing trend of power grid automatic dispatching system
  • The paper presented current data management situation in power grid dispatching automation system , analyzed realistic demand in aspect of application at domestic power network automatic dispatching system , and proposed auxiliary decision supported system for electric power dispatching and economic operation based on the new technologies such as olap and data mining techniques
    论文介绍了国内外电网调度自动化系统数据管理的现状,分析了国内电网调度自动化系统在应用方面的现实需求,提出将基于数据仓库的联机分析( olap )和数据挖掘等新技术作为电网调度、经济运行的辅助决策支持系统。
用"automatic dispatch system"造句  
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